Sample Sale!


Sample Sale! - Alef Bet by Paula

Oh, a good sale.  

Who doesn't like a good sale?

But, a sample sale? 

What exactly is that?

A sample sale is actually just what it sounds like-- our samples.  

On Sale.

Since we manufacture and design our own jewelry, we do have a wholesale line that we resell to stores. These stores shop our jewelry for wholesale and resell it to you in whatever capacity they choose.

We set up a booth to show our jewelry at gift shows, also known as The Ny Now Gift Show.

We manufacture one, or a few, of a single design and that becomes our sample piece.

After the season ends, we try to sell off our samples, or the entire collection of the samples.

Hence, a sample sale!

It's a great opportunity for us to move out jewelry, clear off the shelves in other words, and even a better opportunity for you, the consumer to buy jewelry at an amazing price.

We've hosted many sample sales over the years, but with the onset of Facebook and Facebook Lives, the sales are now truly in your home. Or, actually, on your phone.

You get to watch the sale in live time, interact with it and ask questions.  

I know you often don't see the questions asked, as they are taken to a "private" page known as messenger on facebook

That is where other images of the piece are shown, and conversations go back and forth between us, the seller and you, the buyer.

For example, your address and credit card would never be "good" to show on a public platform, such as facebook.


So, this March 3rd what will be on sale?


And not just any rings, but real diamond and gold rings.

Here is a ring that will be for sale.  It is 18k yellow gold and set with diamonds all around the ring.  

Stack it up with other rings and look how it takes on a very contemporary look and feel.

The emerald ring, set in 14k yellow gold, is another gorgeous design.

Imagine this even on your pointer finger, or as a right hand ring?  Stunning!

A lovely set, if you like to keep things the "same" is this ring of diamonds set in bezels all the way around.  Designed in yellow 18k gold and 18k rose gold, it is stunning in its simplicity.

Look at it with two other rings guarding it in this image below.

There are so many ways you can design these rings to fit your look at style.

Simplicity is sort of the theme here, but simplicity made stunning!

Add guards, or "surrounding" rings to your new purchase for a quick upgrade, or modernization.

You know, add to what you have instead of redoing what you have and you'll quickly realize how beautiful your "older" stuff really is.  It just needed a "friend."

So, if you're interested in the sample sale, let us know in the comments below.

Also, be sure to follow us on facebook and that way you'll be sure to catch the "live" sample sale, or at least the replay.

So, hope you find something wonderful!

Oh, and you know what else?

These prices ARE NOT the sample sale ones, you'll have to come back to the sale to find out the new and exciting prices for the rings.

And see the rest of the collection!






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1 comentario

You KNOW I am ALWAYS interested!
The only problem is I do not do Facebook :)

Ronne Hess

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