This is the way I wanted to plan Rosh Hashana, with a gorgeous table setting and a hand-embroidered challah cover. I get swoon-worthy, actually jealous when I see beautiful tables like the one at Peace Love Light's website.
But, it's not happening the way I planned.
Not the way any of us planned.
Ok, I really never-ever plan BIG for any holiday anyhow, but this year--- forget it.
The 2019 party-like atmosphere of Rosh Hashana is long ago.
This year, 2020 quarantine high holiday is going to be about-- as exciting as Passover 2020 was in my book.
And it wasn't great.
Zoom here we come again, right?
So, how can we make it cheery and festive?
We are allowed to have small gatherings now, that is a plus.
We are allowed to travel, which is a plus.
Our family is actually going to fly to Denver to be with relatives, something that we have never once done since my parents moved to Los Angeles in the 1970s.
It will be small and quaint, personal, and intimidate.
It actually sounds perfect.
No-fuss over seating arrangements, no big spreads of food, no worrying about who is sitting where and next to who.
Actually sounds more and more like perfection.
Doesn't it?
To keep the social gathering small and intimate, there should be face masks to protect the elderly and at-risk.
So, why not a Rosh Hashana or high holiday face mask?
The mask has an apple and a honey stick on it, for a sweet new year.
We might as well take on the mindset that "sharing is caring!"
Here's another fun way to set the table and use the masks on each place setting.
You can even hang them off of a glass of wine as your guests come into the home or backyard.
Perhaps even wrap a bottle of wine with a mask, and gift the hostess a thank you gift for hosting the holiday treat.
This year, as odd as it is, may it be sweet and healthy.
May we all be written into the Book of Life and ... well, what can you add?
Chag Samech
Shana Tova u'metuka!