Spiritual Gifts for Dad for Father's Day


Spiritual Gifts for Dad for Father's Day - Alef Bet by Paula

It's not often that we turn to Google searching for "spiritual gifts for dad," especially when it comes to Father's Day, right? We tend to associate this holiday more with tools, barbecues, sports gear, and home improvement items.

I must confess, I'm guilty too. This year, my husband will be receiving a Smoker Barbecue. Well, at least we'll be enjoying some mouthwatering brisket!

However, let's not forget about the importance of nurturing our dads' inner souls and making them feel truly appreciated, just like we do for moms. That's why I've put together a list of thoughtful gifts specifically for the spiritual dads out there.

By considering these "gifts for the spiritual dad," we can show our fathers that we acknowledge and value their spiritual journey. So, let's delve into the realm of meaningful and soulful presents for our beloved dads.

Top Gifts for the Spiritual Dad:


Funny Meditation Shirt 

Meditation Essentials: Help your spiritual dad deepen his meditation practice with items like a comfortable meditation cushion, a meditation bench, or a meditation timer with soothing chimes.

Perhaps just a "funny" shirt that combines meditation and downright reality all in one great message.

message dad bottle

 Positive Messages


50 specially crafted positive affirmations messages for self manifestation, self reflection, and daily journaling. These motivational quotes will support self care.  They also claim to reduce anxiety, depressed feelings, minimize frustration and anger, stress relief, practice gratitude, increase happiness, improve energy, and great as meditation accessories.

Could be worth a try!

men journal

Men's Journal

Journal and Gratitude Practice: Encourage your dad to reflect and express gratitude by gifting him a beautiful journal. Consider adding prompts or inspirational quotes to inspire his writing practice.  

floating globe for house

 Coolest Globe

Sacred Artwork: Look for spiritual or religious artwork that resonates with your dad's beliefs and values. Whether it's a painting, sculpture, or wall hanging, it can serve as a beautiful reminder of his spiritual path.

A look of the world, how beautiful and small it actually is.  

clothing for cool looking dad

Spiritual Retreat Outfit

If Dad enjoys spiritual retreats, yoga, or walks on the beach this is the outfit for him.  Soft and easy to wear linen that breaths while he moves.

hamsa mezuzah

Mezuzah Hamsa Spiritual Necklace

Spiritual Jewelry: Consider a piece of jewelry that incorporates spiritual symbols or meaningful gemstones. This turquoise gemstone, hamsa and mezuzah necklace has a very personal prayer inside of the silver tube. A Hamsa to usher in love, protection, and health cover the spiritual words of the Torah.


Infuse a Spirit

Let Dad infuse and create his favorite spirit.  He can sit outdoors with a drink in hand and relax.  This can be dad's quiet time, where he can find peace and solitude with a personalized drink.

These are some gifts for the spiritually minded dad for Father's Day.  We'd love to keep adding to this blog post, and if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments!

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